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Everyone benefits from organized labor

Our moving image archive continues to provide a look at history with excerpts

from Rice & Roses programs. We were surprised and happy to find a treasure

trove of material from film reels that were discovered at the Bishop Museum.

Today we feature an excerpt from a program that was produced sometime in the

late 1970’s. Many of our interviewees report that the efforts of organized labor

often go far beyond narrow collective bargaining issues and often benefit the

entire community, not just union members.

AQ relates numerous examples of this, one of the most significant examples was

the 1974 Prepaid Health Care Act.

Support from the community has made the AQ documentary, The Struggle Never

Ends, and our website, possible. We post new

excerpts from the website each month. Please share this bulletin and the link to

the website with colleagues and friends.

Mahalo Nui Loa,

Chris Conybeare, Executive Producer

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