Aloha e AQ Project Supporters, Welcome to our first bulletin to share with you updates on the Ah Quon “AQ” McElrath project and film!

The film recounts the inspiring life-story of AQ and her significant role in ending oppressive labor practices, her constant advocacy for the underprivileged, and her political support for a progressive social agenda. Through an examination of her life, the film will document some of Hawaiʻi’s most significant history and clearly demonstrate how one person’s compassion and determination helped to lift thousands of families out of poverty.
We are happy to share that the film has garnered significant support. The Center for Labor Education and Research (CLEAR) is contributing in kind support in the amount of $110,000 and cash support of $30,000. Yet, this is not enough and the Hawaiʻi Labor Heritage Council (HLHC) has submitted a Grant in Aid (GIA) request to the State Legislature in the amount of $180,000 for additional funding to make this important film.
We urge our friends to contact their legislators and show strong support for this effort! Please share this information with your friends and contacts. You support will be greatly appreciated! Mahalo, Chris Conybeare Executive Producer