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  • laborhistoryhawaii

Hauʻoli Makahiki Hou, 2023!

Aloha e, The AQ Project production team is happy to start the New Year with the promise of completing our documentary, The Struggle Never Ends, featuring Ah Quon McElrath and the struggle for social justice by working class Hawaiʻi. Early on in this project we were fortunate to interview, Zach Schiller, AQ’s friend and son-in-law who shared observations about AQ’s importance to our community.

Zach is spot-on about AQ’s role in telling the real history of Hawai‘i. The AQ project, with both documentary and website ( ) components, continues this effort, using our extensive film and video collection to bring hidden history to life.

Please share the website with colleagues and friends. By joining the website mailing list, they will get monthly updates about the project and be treated to rare film and video clips from our collection.

Mahalo Nui Loa,

Chris Conybeare,

Executive Producer

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